Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 25th, 2015

Just fought with mom this morning.

Geez, seriously. It's been a while since the last time we'd fought.

Whenever I have some plans in mind, either it is an abstract plan, tentative plan, burgeoning plan, or even just a mere passing thought, she always tells on me - and my plans - to everyone in the family.

I hate it so much.

It's not like I haven't told her before about this.

Every plan in the making, my consideration toward a certain decision, something I have to ponder because I'm unsure whether to take it or not. I fervently dislike it if my thoughts are all told against my wish, particularly when everything's still uncertain and I need time to think it over. I'll usually inform them all once everything's started to become certain and solid. And ask for necessary opinion, if needed.

Which is why I freaking hate it when my semi constructed plan is spilled, out in the open, making room for harsh critics here and there when I'm not even ready. Just like a bad omen that threatens to shatter the foundation of my plan, and eventually that plan itself.

Guess I'm in the wrong too because I spoke out my uncertain thoughts to her in the first place.

Still. I'm upset and disappointed.

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