Thursday, January 30, 2014

When Disappointments Become a Yesterday Story

Ah... it's been a month since my last post. I remember that I recently felt terribly depressed (I now have to grudgingly admit) because of the continuous disappointment some people had to make me feel, with additionally all the mounting stress I was feeling at that time.

But the disappointments magically turned into miracles.

1. My friend (whom I gifted "How to be Interesting" book) sent me a message on Whatsapp in early January, almost like out of the blue because I didn't expect anything, saying that she reaaaaallyyy loved the book. Like it so much, she said. Her absence of comment and excitement earlier had made me believe that she didn't like the book - but it was likely that she'd only got a chance to read the book during year-end holiday, and hadn't had time to read earlier.

I feel relief. And foolish, for being so easy to let my own disappointment overcome me. Lesson's learnt.

2. The plan to go to Japan this year has been decided. Even now I'm writing this, I still can't believe it. For real.

My friend who said "I'll go if there's one more person in our group," well, she's decided she'll come along, and there's one more friend who has agreed too - so there will be 3 of us going. In March. Hopefully.

I said "hopefully", because I'm quite a realistic person - and that, regrettably, makes me feel slightly anxious of the likelihood of unforeseen circumstances that could happen and affect our plan. We're still months away from the D-day, and anything could happen.

But at least we're making this come true. In the process of making it true. And I, with my best efforts, will make it true. So far it hasn't been easy - but I'm glad, nonetheless, for having come to this point.

I will surely post an update if I indeed go to Japan. For real.

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