Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saturday Afternoon

Spending quality time on Saturday afternoon. Conversing some idle, stupid talks...  over Oreo Cheesecake and frappes and tea. And scoops of ice cream. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

"The Secret of Success in Life"


This quote is from the front page of a menu book in this restaurant I happened to dine in last week.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

One of the Nicest Feelings Ever.

Today's weather - early morning, to be precise - was really nice. The air was cool, the sky was brilliant blue, that post-rain weather which was incredibly nice but rare, the after-effect of heavy and constant rainfalls from the very day before. The wind. Did I say it was nice? I'd say it again; it felt nice against my skin. Reminds me of Puncak. I love it when it was breezy or even a little bit chilly, but the sun was up there in view, shining equally brilliantly against the blue, unobstructed by the clouds.

One of the nicest feelings ever. 

And I thought, on the back of motorcycle (when I was going to work) this morning, hey, this was the kind of day when one should spend happily. In other words, when one should be happy. 

And then I imagined myself, with my friends, in this framed imagination of mine, just landed in Japan (FYI, I'm planning to, but still have no success in getting a friend to go with). We took photos together, with sun at the background picture, feeling proud. 

Aish. I'm feeling wistful. But still, to imagine this kind of imagination feels grudgingly wonderful. 

Because, it can be real, and I can achieve it. But at the same time feels so far away. 

Do you think I should go to Japan myself?

I would be happy, of course. But there will be no one to share my happiness with. And eventually, I will be sad =(

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Not-So Trivial Thing

Last night I logged in to my facebook account, unopened and abandoned after a while, and surprisingly found a new message in my inbox. I was wondering who would send me a message via facebook - my close friends would've known better than to contact me via this platform.

But then again, I should've known better.

It was an old friend of mine, a friend from my junior high, who I lastly met in person probably during my first year of senior high. Last time we contacted each other was through facebook, of course (what else?), and that was about a year ago.

It was funny. Because we weren't even close to begin with when we were in school. We never were. I don't really remember why, but when we graduated from junior high and I moved out to a different high school, it was after that we started to talk. I mean, chatting online - again - through facebook. Some idle talks, not frequent, but it didn't feel the slightest awkward when we shifted to heavier subjects. Like, about feelings.

You see, I used to like his best friend, and he used to like my best friend.

This world is funny like that. But that was in the past anyway.

I remembered he was talking about his feelings to my best friend - it was unhappy stories. But, again, that was in the past.

But then I think we didn't talk again for some time later, until it was after my birthday last year in 2012.

It was a surprise. He sent me a message, something out of the blue, because he said, more or less: "Hey, I just happened to see your Tumblr. So, you like Final Fantasy songs too?"

Well, I used a flash player on my Tumblr - and I put my favorite FF theme songs and Joe Hisaishi's songs on my playlist.

And he pointed out that he knew and liked FF songs as well; so when he visited my tumblr, he was kind of liking the feel of it.

And we talked again, for a short period of time, about how each of us was doing and coping with life. But then our communication stopped again. I'd been so busy with life and work, and I didn't even realize another year has passed and we're now approaching year end.

This friend sent me another out-of-the-blue message via facebook, which was last night.

He said: "You should check this out," he sent me a link to a youtube video. "I just listened to this song and somewhat I am remembered of you."

It was Masashi Hamauzu's "Besaid Island", a recompose, for Final Fantasy X HD Remaster.


And I laughed.

Honestly speaking, the gesture is not something big or touching.

But I'm somewhat made more amazed, because he bothered to send the link to me - which I'm very thankful for - because I never listened to this piece before and I ended up liking it so much.

"Besaid Island" is probably my most favorite Nobuo Uematsu's piece from FFX. And although it's been many years since I played the game itself, "Besaid Island" - always, of course - has a place in my playlists throughout the years, either in my winamp, mp3 player, iPod, or my mobile phone's music playlist.

And Hamauzu's rearrangement is surprisingly beautiful. Lovely.

So I could only smile, when I think how my friend - with our infrequent (rare, in the rarest sense possible) communication - seems to remember something which, to other people, would probably trivial matters.

That he remembers, and understands.

To tell you the truth, we are not that close now, even now. We still never meet - we never have reasons to, he's with his own life and I'm with my own life.

Regardless, he's a friend. Period.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Ever-So-Growing To-Read Books

My new books - as per October 29 2013

Another to-read batch borrowed from Elise! Kate DiCamillo books! (Nov. 1 2013)

And finally, another batch of new additions to my bookshelf (bought from book fair), as per Nov. 2, 2013! 

Can't wait to read them!