Monday, January 4, 2016


I've been into card-making so much and I have to say (pardon my vanity) that I'm quite proud of having sent out these handmade cards to the my dearest friends last year. There are many card-makers out there who obviously make more adorable cards and they're really awesome! They're such an inspiration, and my favorite card-makers among many are Ms. Yoon Sun Hur, Ms. Yana Smakula, Ms. Anna Kossakovskaya, and Ms. Melania Deasy.

 I hope I'll make more handmade cards in 2016! In the meantime, here's the bunch of aforementioned handmade cards I made last year for birthdays and Christmas - all were sent out except one because I, til now, still haven't met this person and I mean to give the card to him in person :(

Anyway. I did enjoy making them so much!