Monday, August 17, 2015

Bucket List 2015!

My Wishlist/Bucket List 

Since I wrote this list in no particular order, it may seem random when you read it between some point and the next. And a little bit too much, perhaps XD Still, I thought it would be good to have a list written down as a reminder, so I can always keep track of it easily - and eventually check it as "DONE"! 

So for a start:

1. Solo travel!

2. Live in an apartment with a floor-to-ceiling window in my bedroom, overlooking the city lights below. Or alternatively, even better, living in a cosy rooftop apartment. 

I actually want something like this:

Photo credit: Design Swan

3. Build a personal library - a roomful of books to call my own

4. Fall in love abroad, as inspired by Grease and Glamour's bucket list. And so... perhaps, date a foreigner? :)

5. Go to UVERworld's concert!!!
Photo Credit:

I'm glad that I found UVERworld. Seriously. Their songs have saved me a lot of times. I'd never thought it was possible for songs to have that kind of effect on me - but it did happen. They save me from sadness and helplessness, from ultimate breaking down, from my own wicked self-belief that I was nothing. Nobody. Some of their lyrics make me tear up, yet they fill me with a bucketful of warmth and courage. I really appreciate the way they open my mind, making me reflect on myself a lot. If any, they make me believe in myself. 

They make me feel that I can do anything - even conquering the world!

6. Try a makgeolli! I've tried soju but what the heck I've been doing that I haven't tried any makgeolli at all for this long?

7. I hope more people would recognize Cups and Stories ;) 
Cups and Stories is something that me and my friend created together this year; a small creative business that was started out of shared interests - although the very idea of starting together was in fact almost out of the blue on my part (not on my friend's part though - she already had this project idea brewing for a while).

But anyway, I admit that I'm not an ambitious person with a set of killer marketing strategies. Well... this is not to say that I don't hope for a fantastic profit margin or a drastic increase of new customers inquiring our products and service or ordering everyday. Indeed it would be awesome; but what I primarily hope is, for Cups and Stories to constantly grow. No matter how long it takes - I just want it to grow and last, never stop midway.

8. Improve my Photoshop and design skills! 
I'm not a design major but I found myself enjoying it. Naturally I'm not as expert and as educated as those graphic designers who have the proper training and knowledge of design theories and skills and others- but still! I keep learning and it really motivates me when some people point out that they like my designs and appreciate the efforts I invest in something I create. It's not stunning, for sure, but at least my current work allows me to experiment and get more creative while at the same time polish my visual sense (of balanced composition, color combination, layout and placement, etc. etc.). Additionally...

9. Aside of skills, I really hope I could become more eloquently capable to apply and process ideas - my ideas and those suggested/requested by clients and other people - and get them materialized into a favorable design result that is aligned to what our clients have in mind.

I hope I would be more skillful in that department.

10. See more of my works in a printed form!

11. Be an expert in cardmaking like this, thisthis, this, this, this, this.... #ugh #becomediscouraged

12. Meet Haruki Murakami and have an afternoon chat together! Forget lengthy conversation; even just a short chat and a photograph together are more than enough for me to remember for the rest of my life.

13. Go bungee jumping. 
I don't know why, it is something that scares me but inexplicably I do want to try it one day. I did a number of things last year that made me realize I'm not as chicken as I'd thought I was. To my own surprise, I rode a number of quite extreme rides and some were even related to height. I also rode on the world's 12th tallest ferris wheel ever constructed and the cabin that I rode was a clear-bottom cabin. Soooo you basically could see everything through the cabin floor @.@ it was only slightly scary at that time but strangely, now that I remember it again, it was twice scarier. Especially at the peak.


14. See the Northern Lights!!!

Photo Credit: Trip Advisor

15. And step on glaciers

16. Which actually means, go to Iceland!

17. Do some ruin exploring. 

Photo Credit:

Seeing the remains of great world civilizations around the world with my own eyes has always been a secret dream of mine. The tale and the history - don't you think it feels unarguably visceral and magical at the same time? Imagine walking through the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu or Angkor Wat or Petra, being somewhat linked to the past as your fingers touch the remnants of the centuries-old walls, mentally constructing the historical scene of the once existed civilization - all coming back alive even though it's only in your head. I bet that experience would be otherworldly awesome.  

18. Stargazing in NZ <3 <3 <3

Photo Credit:

You can actually see an aurora too in NZ in winter. More <3 <3 <3 <3

19. Go to classical music concerts or piano recitals - basically all music festivals in Austria.

Such as n outdoor concert held against the backdrop of a chateau or a palace.
Photo Credit: Vienna Weekends

Or a church concert
Photo Credit: Veltra

And a concert that takes place INSIDE Mozart's house! Triple WOW!

Photo Credit: Vienna Concerts

(dreamy sigh) 

Hay-on-Wye, Wales
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

21. Be more more courageous in making my own decisions and expressing my wish, not tamed easily by fear. I don't want to be someone who kills her own dreams by making excuses.

I've been doing well so far, hopefully it could be better.

22. Become less hard-headed and be more accommodating and considerate. Be someone who can adjust fairly well to all kinds of situations happening around me.

23. I almost forget this (how could I!!!) but I want to see one of Joe Hisaishi's concerts someday! 

24. Retire somewhere in a place where I can see ocean and mountain at the same time. Or flower fields! Definitely somewhere like Jeju Island >.< 

Picture credit: Natco Holidays

You see, I recently watched Warm and Cosy  (also known as Jeju Island Gatsby, a Korean drama which has become one of my favorites of all time) and I've been so enthralled by the idea of living somewhere near the ocean, where you can sleep hearing the sound of rolling waves like a lullaby and wake up with the best good morning mother nature song ever.

25. Make this life of mine worth living, experiences worth telling.